Monday, June 16, 2014

Short Story One "The Birth"

               One’s own life adventures are the most fascinating things. However other people’s life adventures can fill the must needed gap of idle gossip that grows in the bosom of our souls. For this reason I do not write the story of my life adventures but the adventures of my brother Edward Guarado.
                Edward’s story begins with his birth. A birth in which every native El Pasoin has heard and recounted millions of times. I being five years old at the time of his birth have only a bleached memory of what took place on that day. So since my liability is of question I will insert my older sister’s diary of that day.
                “It had rained all morning. The sky is still dark. I can hear the wind howling through the trees. The bulging gray clouds continue to torment me with pellets of  ice cold rain. The neighborhood kids keep eyeing the soccer field hoping it wont flood again. For me I got real problems to worry about. Mamma's been at the hospital for three days now. All I heard was from Mrs. Carson and she just said, "Tia, just you be praying that your mama have a baby." Mrs. Carson told me that last evening, so I don't know much more. Daddy hasn't been home for months, hes been out driving the truck. "Daddy he be back soon to see the baby." that's what mamma said before she left for the hospital.